Monday, July 20, 2009

Why does my fiance get infected hairb bumps, that turn into boils?

My fiance gets his hair braided. He has a good grade of hair but his scalp is sensitive. He has had bumps pop up in the back of his head a few days after it has been braided or even when it's not braided, they just pop up in the same area on the back of his head, at the bottom right above his hair-line. At first we thought the braids were too tight, but that isn't the problem. Then if the hair is not pulled out of there, it starts to get big, then the area around the bump will swell and harden, becoming very sore. The bumps hurt so bad he could barely move his head, neck or shoulders. After a week, the bump forms a head, then I'dpoke a hole in it and try to relieve some of the infection and pain. After about three or four days of poking, draining, and cleaning it, the bump's core will come up, but it is very hard. What could it be that is giving him boils on his scalp?

Why does my fiance get infected hairb bumps, that turn into boils?

Boils are caused by staph bacteria. He should either stop getting his hair braided, wash more often, or who ever is brading him is a dirty slob and should wash more often.

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