Monday, July 20, 2009

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

I know i can french braid it, when i put it in a pony tail its always falling out, my hairs about to my bra strap, i just want a good way to put it up thats cute, a french braid seems to old lol

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

just pull it all together and tie it, it's going to get all messed up anyway.

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

you can put it up in a small little messy bun so that even if it got messed up a little it would still look the same i do that all the time for gym class

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

why don't you wear a hat ... and put your hair inside it

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

try two braids on the sides, or if it looks childish try a bun or when i play tennis or volleyball i wear a visor.

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

I put my hair in a tight pony tail or bun and then I take my front pieces that are shorter (and would eventually fall out), gather them up to a point in the air, push a bobby pins through the extra hair, and put the bobby pin above the pony tail. Then I spray a little hairspray. This gives you some body in the front and looks cute. Sorry it's kinda hard to explain!

Whats a good way to put your hair up when you go to the gym?

Maybe try to move your ponytail lower or hight on your head or try a headband. Wide ones work best if your going to the gym and it will hold it out of your face if you have shorter hair. Good luck!

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